Thursday, May 31, 2007

Warriors of Innocence vs Six Apart vs LJ users

I need a break from amplifiers and current gain and all that crap I'm trying to feed into my brain.
It's raining!!! Yes, I know how childish that sounds but it's the only constant thing that always uplifts my mood. And possibly every other post during the monsoons will contain it so please bear with me. :-) And might I add, how wonderful I feel when it rains and how refreshing it is. Boy, do I love the smell of mud and watching the sky.
I don't really consider myself as a extreme nature lover so these are the few times when I do actually express my joy for it.

It's been a day(s) of wank like never before at LiveJournal. Wow, this melting pot just keeps getting hotter.

How does it all start?
Warriors of Innocent is an organization that has pledged to fight against child abuse, pedophiles etc. Sue over at WFI send letters to LJ about the advertisments and

communities that were being run by pedophiles on the great green land of LJ. Some had accounts of people describing how they committed child rape and other offences.

While some expressed their desire in form of writing in these communities. Whether they were true crimes being told or just fictional writings, I can't really tell. Sue pressurized LJ to take some action and close down these communities. LJ crew over-reacted and started picking out journals and communities which had the interests child rape, pedophilia, incest etc and started deleting them without warning.

So where does the problem arise?
They deleted a community which discussed the book Lolita. Did it ever occur that despite the objectionable subject, the book is a literary marvel and that people with interests in the writing were a part of the community and that that is solely what it exsisted for? Similarly in various fandoms incest, pedophilia are widely a subject of pairings. However, this is just FICTION. Just because someone writes weasleycest or a Hermoine/Snape fanfic, it doesn't mean that they are pedophiles or a reason for concern. The characters are fictional. LJ however, deleted even these innocent journals. This caused a rage among all fellow LJers. Another side of the whole ordeal was support groups. Rape and abuse victims had all listed their interests in a similar fashion. Some of the support communities were also deleted.
The problem here isn't that they were trying to drive away the real culprits but that a large percentage of those driven were innocent and that it was all carried out carelessly and in an impatient manner. This was also seen as a deprivement on freedom of speech by many. But mostly it was "I want to read my pr0n".

What they should have done:
1. READ the content of the community or journal before blasting it into the oblivion.
2. They should have given prior warnings to the users who had objectionable content and a period for them to justify it. They would have solved the problem of RPG groups and fanfic communities being dissolved.
3. Go back to 1.

Now after two full days of misery and whining, LJ/Six Apart CEO surfaced and posted a reasonable apology where they admitted that they did screw up.
Way to go LJ! Don't make such a mistake again!
And now they are reinstating the journals that are legitimate.

And so it ends for now!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A lazy sunday

This is a pointless post brought to you by a overburdened, antagonized and glum me.
  • The Daily Show is the BEST SHOW on earth (after my other regular fixations). I crack myself up everytime. And also because the opinion is generally agreeable. I love Jon Stewart. He's the only one who can manage to pull off presenting serious topics with sensible humour.
  • Gilmore Girls is over. Season 7 was a bit dull compared to the rest but I still heart the show.
  • I'm undecided on whether I should download LOST season 3. Unfortunately, the finale is already spoiled. :( But it's a show that's more fun to watch on TV. I think I'll just skip this one.
  • And finally, I need to catalog my muzik collection. Cd-Tracker? Recordnerd? Listal? I can't decide.
Stuff I have to watch after my exams:
  • The Tudors
  • Planet Earth
  • An Inconvenient truth
  • Dirt. I just want to see Courtney Cox in action. :)
  • I had once taken Jeeves and Wooster DVD from BCL. I want to try to find more such movies.
  • Doctor Who
And that's it for now. Next time I might post a list of books I want to read. The last one I read (Anne Rice) was in March.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Crazy times lie ahead of me

I'm lagging behind in my studies. Everyday I promise myself to do better and I end up reading Iraqi blogs or watching La Liga matches.
The last time I studied with full concentration was in college with my friend in a 3 hour span doing dynamics. I can take on any problem on 'impact' now but the rest of the paper is as new to me as it was six months ago.

I cannot wait for this semester to get over!!! I just want to fast forward to the next one. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic about my future years. What if it's not as good as I'm hoping it will be?
And this is the time when I tell myself to stop anticipating the future and worrying about everyone else's problems when clearly I have quite a few of my own to deal with.

I miss hanging out with my friends. The last time we all met was at McD's and that was many days ago.

I had freak out moment with my ipod yesterday. I connected my iPod and iTunes wouldn't come up. It also didn't detect the drive. So obviously the "Do not disconnect" message didn't go away after I pulled out the USB cord and I freaked out. I went to the iPod FAQ and had to reset it. Everything went back to normal and no harm done (yet).
It's the feeling you get when your new computer hangs for the first time and you realize that it's not "new" anymore.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

File Transfer Websites: Comparison Chart

This applies to only free service not paid accounts.

Max File Size per file
Period of Hosting
1 Gb
Giga Size
1.5 Gb
90 Days
Mega Upload
500 Mb
90 days
Send Space
300 Mb
7 days
100 Mb
7 Days
100 Mb
90 days
500 Mb
14 Days
45 Days
300 Mb
30 Days
2 Gb
90 Days
File Factory
300 Mb
7 Days
200 Mb

Saturday, May 19, 2007

FA Cup 2007 - CHELSEA WON!!!!


Chelsea-1, Man U-0
What an amazing match! The first half was a drag and literally put me to sleep. A few shots from Lampard and Drogba but nothing exciting happened there. The second half is when the game really took pace. ManU had more attacks in place but Cech skillfully dodged them. I really thought the match would turn to penalties; glad that didn't happen though.
Drogba's goal was magnificent and so was Lampard's initial kick.

Chelsea needed this. Especially after they lost the Premiership to ManU which was painful to watch.

Friday, May 18, 2007

How human are we?

This rant is triggered by my last post, mainly this and the last few months that I've spent on digg. Comments on every single fucking article there always includes the following:
1. Atheists bashing non-atheists (and vice-versa)
2. Racism
3. Muslim hate
4. Blaming US for it's role in degrading Iraq

Coming back to my point, is believing or not believing in God that important to decide the measure of the crime? Terrorists, these bastards who killed Du'a are all extremists. I don't think extremism pertains to just a religion, caste etc. Every sect has it's set of senseless bastards who commit heinous crimes in name of their so called "religion" or "belief". Be it a socialist group or a weak political party, they are extremists.
So can we please just separate out these people. They are individuals. Charge them for what they did. There's no need to lash blame on an entire community. The Koran doesn't dictate mass murder nor does the Bible.
Hitler, Bin Laden, Mao, Du'a's killers, all they've done is in their own twisted ideology of what they believe in.

I hate it when an entire country, community is generalized and judged for one person's wrong doing. This is common sense and yet so uncommon

Low on productivity, high on idling

I've had a very uneventful day so far. Studies are going on but at a very slow pace. Oh wait, it rained... HARD!!! Only for 10-15 minutes but I enjoyed every minute. It's very cool now and the surrounding looks very nice and fresh (except for nosy neighbors poking into my window).

I just came across this on digg. A Yezidi girl was stoned to death for falling in love with a Sunni boy.
This is just barbaric and vile. I can't believe those people just stood there cheering the whole "honour killing". How can people be so blind in the name of religion? Morality is lost these days.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

More Speculation

Indeed I'm fed up of reading more and more articles of how everyone enters the blame game of the VT shootings. Oh, the absurd things people write:
"Was he possesed by the devil?"
"Atheists don't know how to mourn"
And to top it off "Blame the liberals"
Can't we all just agree that Cho had a mental condition which garnered his state? Just leave it at that and move on.

And why is Big B entering SO many movies?! The whole older-guy-dating-a-younger-woman story is getting stale. Are we done with all age groups now? It's almost as if they want to make the most amount of movies with him before he dies. Geez, let the guy retire.

Just finished giving a set of torturing exams and I've just realized how little I've really learned this semester. I just want to fast forward to next year (leaving out the exam result too). Just one month till the Finals and I feel like I haven't touched anything. I have my preparation leave now which just makes it harder for me to focus. I study better under pressure.

I'm going to meet my old college friends today. All of us haven't met in a really long time. Looking forward to that. And I have to clean up my room. It's currently in the "Exam Aftermath" state which means clothes are all over the floor; so are pens, papers and books.

I'm listening to Year Zero (by Nine Inch Nails) now and it's by far the best stuff produced in a while. I feel guilty for not buying the CD especially after seeing the deal with Exterminal and the alternate reality game. I still haven't explored the site completely though.