Sunday, July 1, 2007

Back to College Blues

I came back from Nagpur on 28th. It's cloudy and the perfect welcoming weather that I hoped for. I also had a chat with Ashwini that day and we decided to watch exorcist, so I rushed to her house. We drew the curtains, tried to make the setting a bit spooky although we didn't try to over do it because we do get scared easily (that's what we thought).

The Exorcist - Not as scary as we thought it could be. The print was good but the sound kept fluctuating. I didn have nightmares that ight and was spooked for a while. The scene which I found particularly disturbing was when Reagen is in the initial stages of possession and she's being thrown back and forth on the bed. That's just nasty. I guess the special effects wore off on me. But her possessed voice was positively scary. I can only the imagine the terror this movie inflicted on minds at the time it was released. Yikes. @_@

The Pursuit of Happiness - I loved this movie. I may not watch it again but it's of of those movies which one has to see atleast once and learn something from it. It had a happy ending and a well deserved one too. There was no sex, abuse, drugs etc involved which is what normally comes to my mind for those situations. Will Smith acted superbly and so did that little boy.

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants - It's a nice light chick flick. Jui had just read the book and I still had this on my computer. Bridget rocked. That girl can scare the hell out of any boy and we totally enjoyed the movie because of her. All the commenting and laughs we had during the movie really reminded us of the old times. This whole sisterhood thing sounds like so much fun. I've had many attempts at this kind of thing in my school life. Didn't always last for more than a few months. What I mean is, I love scrapbooks.

I did manage to do a bit of reading in Nagpur. Most of the time I was engrossed in the 1001 Sudoko book but I did read.

Princess by Jean Sasson - This is a really depressing book. I don't mean to say that it's bad. It's an eye opener to the situation that woman face in Saudi Arabia. The incidents descibed, I find so tragic and horrifying. It's a very gripping book. You just can't put it down.

I'm also reading Good Omens right now. And more on my list is Ayn Rand and more of Anne Rice.

I installed Safari Beta. That extreme font smoothening is going to take time to get used. It keeps crashing on long use. Also, Firefox for some reason has been possessed by a demon and won't work!!! It keeps crashing too. I've started using IE again. Perhaps the Internet Gods are angry with me or maybe Karma is biting me back for something.

I downloaded the latest 69 Eyes album. Immersing myself in Gothic Metal!!!

To end all the happy and fun thoughts, college starts tomorrow. We'll be seniors (sort off). Is it suposed to give you this feeling of invincibility and pwnge? Because I think that's only for people with egos and low self esteem. I looking forward to meet new people. Not trying to push away the friends I've already made but maybe in the deep recesses of my mind I am.

ETA: I am a walking contradiction. And I hate that.

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